Ready for YLO?
There’s a YLO Membership just right for your budget. From real big to real, real, real small youth ministry budgets, we will keep you on top of the latest “screenager-friendly” music and media. And we’ll equip you to use that music-media in your ministry. The kids in your group will be amazed at how “with it” you are on all the music and media in their world!
Team interlinc Options
YLO Starter
Annual Billing
YLO Starter includes:
- Artist Of The Week
- Blog Of The Week
- Youth Culture Trends & Issues Of The Week
- NEED2KNOW Weekly Updates
YLO Access
Annual Billing (Most Popular)
Save $19.45
Monthly Billing: $9.95 month
Click here for monthly billing
YLO Access includes everything in YLO Starter PLUS:
- 120+ Song-Based Youth Group Meetings with printable Leader & Student Guides
- 8 Music Resource E-Books with articles, artist interviews, thematic listings, Youth Group Meeting Guides and more
- 64 new full-length albums to stream & share with your students
- 100+ worship chord charts
Bonus! 100+ music videos with complete Youth Group Meeting Guides with printable Leader & Student Guides
Bonus! Complete access to our 30+ year “Music-Media Vault” which contains 3,000+ Youth Group Meeting Guides, 15,000 songs by theme, 1000+ artist ministry pages and 300+ ministry-themed playlists, Movie Resource Guides
YLO Premium
Annual Billing
Save $39.45
Monthly Billing: $19.95 month
Click here for monthly billing
YLO Premium includes everything in YLO Access PLUS:
- 30-40 complete digital album downloads from the four YLOs in your annual membership (actual albums subject to availability)
YLO Access includes:
- 120+ Song-Based Youth Group Meetings with printable Leader & Student Guides
- 8 Music Resource E-Books with articles, artist interviews, thematic listings, Youth Group Meeting Guides and more
- 64 new full-length albums to stream & share with your students
- 100+ worship chord charts
Bonus! 100+ music videos with complete Youth Group Meeting Guides with printable Leader & Student Guides
Bonus! Complete access to our 30+ year “Music-Media Vault” which contains 3,000+ Youth Group Meeting Guides, 15,000 songs by theme, 1000+ artist ministry pages and 300+ ministry-themed playlists, Movie Resource Guides
YLO The Works
Annual Billing
US & Canadian subscribers only
Coming Soon
YLO The Works includes everything in YLO Premium PLUS:
- The Box Is Back!! A physical YLO Box each quarter (4 boxes annually) shipped to you that includes artist merch, 1-2 vinyl albums, posters plus much more.
YLO Premium includes:
- 30-40 complete digital album downloads from the four YLOs in your annual membership (actual albums subject to availability)
YLO Access includes:
- 120+ Song-Based Youth Group Meetings with printable Leader & Student Guides
- 8 Music Resource E-Books with articles, artist interviews, thematic listings, Youth Group Meeting Guides and more
- 64 new full-length albums to stream & share with your students
- 100+ worship chord charts
Bonus! 100+ music videos with complete Youth Group Meeting Guides with printable Leader & Student Guides
Bonus! Complete access to our 30+ year “Music-Media Vault” which contains 3,000+ Youth Group Meeting Guides, 15,000 songs by theme, 1000+ artist ministry pages and 300+ ministry-themed playlists, Movie Resource Guides
Membership Includes
Christian Music Guides

Music Is A Huge Part Of Your Students’ Lives
That’s why every edition of Youth Leaders Only includes music video-based Youth Group Meeting Guides written by real, live youth leaders. There’s a Leader Guide, a printable Student Guide, a Music Video and a Playlist for at least one song on each of the 16 albums featured in each quarterly YLO. We often describe them as “just add water” meeting guides: perfect for last minute prep after a busy week or a resource to hand over to a volunteer or Sunday School Teacher when you come down with the flu on Saturday night.
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Mainstream Music Guides

Unavoidable. Pervasive. Inescapable.
Mainstream pop music is everywhere. Even if you can get your young Christian friends to switch their listening habits from secular to sacred, they are still going to hear the top popular songs everywhere they go. This element of YLO provides you with background on Mainstream Artists (Who They Are, What Are Their Messages, What A Youthworker Needs To Know) and ideas (we call them “Re:Tuned Discussion Guides”) to use the most popular current mainstream songs to begin a conversation about spiritual things. Use the opening questions, the thematic concepts and discussion ideas to spice up your Group Meeting, Sunday School lesson, camp/retreat meeting or outreach event message.
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Artists – Influencers

An eighteenth century Scottish philosopher said, “Let me write the songs of a nation and I care not who writes its laws” That’s why artists, musicians, creatives are at the center of Youth Leaders Only and interlinc. Each Christian Artist (700+) and each Mainstream Artist (300+) has his/her own youth ministry resource page that helps you know who they are, what their messages are, and equips you with resources to use their music in your work with students.
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Themes & Playlists

The 300+Thematic Listings & Playlists Index is pure GOLD! It allows you to reference the youth ministry Biblical themes associated with all the 15,000 songs in all editions of YLO and MVL. And each theme has a playlist! If you are teaching about having an eternal perspective, just click on that theme for songs, videos, complete youth meetings, warm-up games and a playlist to share with your students. If you have a student struggling with loneliness, click on that theme and share the “Loneliness” playlist right to his or her phone.
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Trends & Issues

Let’s face it the pop culture that students are swimming in moves at a pace that is virtually impossible for a youthworker to keep up with. That’s what we tackle with Youth Leaders Only Trends & Issues segment. We keep you up on the latest research, breaking youth culture and music news and updates on Christian and Mainstream Artists.
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In addition to providing all the new music and media, each YLO focuses on an essential element of youth ministry: camp, missions-service, evangelism, parents-family, mental health, guys & girls, middle school, technology, humor-fun. Articles-Blogs are written by saavy youthworkers and are immediately applicable to your ministry.
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Worship Resources

Worship Isn’t Just For Big Church
We know that worship is a key part of what you’re trying to teach and model for your students. Sure, there’s the “big church” experience, but it’s great to find ways to allow your students to worship together with their peers. And if you have a few musically inclined kids in your group, so much the better. Giving them a platform to develop their skills and lead their peers in worship is one of the best things you can do to encourage their talent. This section of Youth Leaders Only equips you and your worship band (if you have one or are working toward launching one) with worship articles, chord charts and more.
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Movie Resources

Lessons From The Big Screen
Your students are into movies—big time. Most of our young friends watch several movies a week. They watch them alone and with friends, on their phones, computers, televisions, and local theater screens. They quote lines and sing songs from favorite films and adopt the fashions they see in the movies they like. Yep, movies are big time important to teenagers. That means that YOU want to be able to take advantage of films that will help you reach young people for Jesus Christ, and help them to grow in their relationship with Him!
When we discover movies that you would find useful, we create resources that help you use those films in your ministry to students. We review scripts and view screeners to find movies that can help you use the movie experience to impart Biblical truth to your students. We have developed youth ministry resources for blockbuster movies, medium sized movies and smaller movies.
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