Church / Ministry:
First Priority Global


Phil has a wealth of youth ministry expertise. Since 1980, he has been a Youth Speaker, Worship Leader, Student Pastor, and a Youth Ministry Trainer. He holds degrees in Religious Education/Youth Ministry from Ouachita Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Seminary.

Phil served as a Student Pastor in churches from 1982-2013 and as a missionary in Spain from 1986-88. As a Youth Pastor, he has been implementing the First Priority strategy since 1992. Phil has been on the First Priority Global staff since 2013. Phil and Windy have two daughters Brittany and Candace, one son-in-law, Drew; and one son, Connor. They live in Rogers, Arkansas.

Meeting Guides

Newsboys Worldwide Revival Evangelism | Missions | Revival
Newsboys Worldwide Revival Evangelism | Missions | Revival
Katy Nichole God Is In This Story Evangelism | Hope | Trust
Katy Nichole God Is In This Story Evangelism | Hope | Trust

Discussion Guides
